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For each scenario, which statistical procedure is most appropriate (one sample mean, one sample proportion, two independent proportions, two independent means, two paired/dependent means, one-way

For each scenario, which statistical procedure is most appropriate (one sample mean, one sample proportion, two independent proportions, two independent means, two paired/dependent means, one-way ANOVA, chi-square test of independence)? Explain why.

A. A team of World Campus advisors wants to know if there is a relationship in the population of all World Campus STAT200 students between using Penn State Learning’s free online tutoring services and passing STAT200.

B. The marketing team for a nation-wide travel agency wants to know if adults with high school, associates, bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees differ in terms of the amount of money they spend on travel annually.

C. A professor wants to know if students’ knowledge of statistics increases on average from the beginning to the end of an introductory statistics course. The professor gives students the same exam during the first week of class and last week of class.

D. A biology student wants to know if there is a relationship between biological sex (male/female) and eye color (blue, brown, green, other).

E. An educational researcher wants to compare the effectiveness of three different instructional methods. Students are randomly assigned to receive one of the three instructional methods. After four weeks of instruction their knowledge is measured using an exam worth up to 100 points.

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A The appropriate statistical test to use in the scenario is the chisquare test of independence whic... blur-text-image
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