From the Discussion about Unions and OSHA Fulfill the following requirement. Requirement: Evaluate the overall importance of the National Labor Relations Board. Summarize the pertinent
From the Discussion about "Unions and OSHA" Fulfill the following requirement.
Evaluate the overall importance of the National Labor Relations Board. Summarize the pertinent details of the case that you have selected, and give your opinion of the Board’s decision and the fairness of the outcome. Support your response with specific details from the selected case. Evaluate the overall importance of OSHA. Next, give your opinion of whether OSHA offers enough protection or over regulates the safety of workers. Support your response with specific details from the selected news story.
From the Discussion about "Force Rankings" fulfill the following requirement.
Take a stance for or against forced ranking. Support your response with examples of two (2) pros and two (2) cons that you must consider in your stance. Specify two (2) legal considerations to which an organization may be susceptible if it were to implement forced ranking performance evaluation systems unfairly and inaccurately. Suggest the key corrective actions that an organization could take in order to rectify issues that arise from said unfair and inaccurate implementation.
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