Make a presentation which should describe thoroughly: your target market/s, 4 levels of your products/services, reference to the product life cycle model in developing or
Make a presentation which should describe thoroughly: your target market/s, 4 levels of your products/services, reference to the product life cycle model in developing or improving products, reference to relevant aspects of the micro and macro environment. Some key concepts to remember are: core products, facilitating products, supporting products, augmented products product life cycle model micro environment (suppliers, marketing intermediaries, and publics) macro environment
Summarize in your presentation and expand in your final marketing plan.
what level of products/services will you offer? Demonstrate why! • Core products • facilitating products • supporting products • augmented products
will you develop new products/services or improve existing ones, or a combination of both? Demonstrate why! • refer to the product life cycle model • if you are deleting any products, what strategy will you choose and why?
briefly addresses your micro-environment (as relevant) • your suppliers • marketing intermediaries • different publics
briefly address your macro-environment (as relevant) • economic environment • natural environment • technological environment • political/legal environment
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