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Project managers do a lot more than calculations and reporting; they must keep the team on track, ensure ethical decisions are made, deal with conflict,

Project managers do a lot more than calculations and reporting; they must keep the team on track, ensure ethical decisions are made, deal with conflict, and, depending on the type of organization, they may perform employee evaluations, issue bonuses, hire and lay off personnel, and other tasks. In this paper, you will discuss some of the key elements of the project management process.

Write a paper in which you: Describe the different organizational structures as it relates to project management (i.e., functional, project-based, matrix). Discuss at least two (two) different roles that project managers can play in organizational leadership. Describe at least three (3) human resource factors that affect project management.

Recommend five (5) conflict resolution techniques that project managers can utilize to keep team members productive. Explain at least three (3) leadership approaches and when they are best utilized. Describe five (5) ethical situations or dilemmas that project managers might face in their role within an organization. Summarize tools and techniques commonly used in project procurement. Assess the role of technology in project management. Provide your expectations for the development of the project management field aided by modern technologies. Use at least four (4) quality resources in this assignment.

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Describe the different organizational structures as it relates to project management ie functional projectbased matrix Every organization has different and unique business structure This structure is ... blur-text-image
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Answered: 3 weeks ago