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Thesis Question: How would a border-free immigration policy impact the social and economic system? I. Introduction paragraph that include the following Immigration is a big

Thesis Question: How would a border-free immigration policy impact the social and economic system?

I. Introduction paragraph that include the following

Immigration is a big part of America society; it brings up so many opinions from the citizens. How would a border-free immigration policy impact the social and economic system?A border-free immigration policy will impact the social and economic system in both positive and negative ways. Such as the immigrants bringing more cultural diversity but also added to the unemployment rate.

II. The immigration policy

a. Breakdown the immigration policy

b. The original immigration policy rules and regulations oppose to border-free

c. Border is restricted to visa’s, passports, and green cards, this will all change when border free.

III. Negative effects of Border-free immigration policy

a. Showing the negative effects

b. It will affect the unemployment, population, and crime.

c. The immigrants taking all the jobs.

IV. Positive effects of Border-free immigration policy

a. Showing the positive effects

b. It will bring more ethnics and cultural diversity to America.

c. A better mixture of different races and cultures in a community.

V. Conclusion paragraph

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Thesis Statement A borderfree immigration policy will impact the social and economic system in both positive and negative ways Such as the immigrants bringing more cultural diversity but also added to ... blur-text-image
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