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Review your organization's most recent financial reports, including balance sheets, statements of cash flow, management comments, and footnotes to financial statements. Write a 1,400- to

Review your organization's most recent financial reports, including balance sheets, statements of cash flow, management comments, and footnotes to financial statements. Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper that addresses senior management in which you do the following: 

• Assume next year's forecasted revenues increase by 20%. 

• Explain how each current asset and liability account has affected cash management strategies. 

• Provide a detailed working capital recommendation based on next year's increase in revenue along with assumptions you make regarding other line items in the pro forma financial statements. 

• Support your recommendations with financial analysis to show how they maximize shareholder wealth. 

• Calculate and discuss the effect of the revenue increase on the firm's working capital policy. 

• Identify lessons learned and discuss areas for further development in your conclusion.

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