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1. How does the proposed market segment of residential contracts differ from Smith Electric's current market segment? 2.What does a SWOT analysis tell us about
1. How does the proposed market segment of residential contracts differ from Smith Electric's current market segment?
2.What does a SWOT analysis tell us about Smith Electric's ability to enter a different market segment?
3.Evaluate the pros and cons of price skimming as op-posed to penetration pricing and the financial impact of higher levels of market penetration.
4.How can Smith Electric use social media to develop name recognition in the new market segment while holding down costs?
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Step: 1
1 How does the proposed market segment of residential contracts differ from Smith Electrics current market segment Smith Electric likely currently operates in a market segment related to commercial or ...Get Instant Access with AI-Powered Solutions
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Step: 2
Step: 3
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