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6. Which of the following SN2 reactions is the fastest? A.) CH3CH2CH2CH2BR + OH- B.) CH3CH2CH2CH2B + H20 CH3CH2CH2CH2OH + HBr C.) CH3CH2CHBRCH3 +

6. Which of the following SN2 reactions is the fastest? A.) CH3CH2CH2CH2BR + OH- B.) CH3CH2CH2CH2B + H20 CH3CH2CH2CH2OH + HBr C.) CH3CH2CHBRCH3 + OH- D.) CH3CH2CHBRCH3 + H20 CH3CH2CHOHCH3 + HBr CH3CH2CH2CH2OH + Br CH3CH2CHOHCH3 + Br 7. How many beta hydrogens does the following compound have? A.) 0 .) 1 C.) 2 D.) 3 E.) 4 Br CH3 8. Why does the alkyl halide shown below not undergo an E2 reaction with sodium ethoxide? A.) Br is too poor a leaving group. B.) The substrate is too hindered. C.) Too much angle strain would be present in the alkene product. D.) Sodium ethoxide is a poor base to use in E2 reactions. E.) The C-H and C-Br bonds which need to break cannot both be in axial positions. 9. What two reactions can occur when 2-iodohexane reacts with sodium ethoxide? A.) SN2 and SN1 B.) E1 and E2 C.) SN2 and E2 D.) E1 and SN1 E.) E2 and SN1

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