Richard chooses technique 0 and 2 requiring 10+10-20 efforts and provising 10+11=21 benefits. Hence, 21 is returned as the output Example 2: input1: 3
Richard chooses technique 0 and 2 requiring 10+10-20 efforts and provising 10+11=21 benefits. Hence, 21 is returned as the output Example 2: input1: 3 input2: (10,10,10,10) input3: (10,11,12,15) input4: 20 Output: 27 Explanation: Richard chooses technique 2 and 3 requiring 10+10-20 efforts and proviting 12+15=27 benefits. Hence, 27 is returned as the output Output Specification: Return the maximum benefit that Richard can achieve Example 1: input1: 3 input2: (10,20,10) input3: {10,20,11} input4: 20 Output: 21 Explanation: Richard chooses technique 0 and 2 requiring 10+10-20 efforts and provideng 10+11=21 benefits. Hence, 21 is returned as the output. Example 2: input1: 3 Neee& Belamkonda Lksh metti How to attempt? Question: Richard and the Technique Choice Richard wants to learn a new technique. He can choose from at mostN techniques. Each technique T (0
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