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In social media, one size does not fit all. Social media includes traditional platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, but it also includes podcasts, blogs,

In social media, one size does not fit all. Social media includes traditional platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, but it also includes podcasts, blogs, and video mediums. Each platform and medium has its strengths and weaknesses for various businesses and campaign strategies. Imagine that you have been asked by a client how they could grow their business using social media marketing methods. Address the following:

  • Discuss 2 or more ethical issues that companies must consider when participating in social media marketing (remember that this includes social media platforms, blogs, podcasts, and video platforms).
  • Compare and contrast the audiences for social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, blogs, podcasts, and video platforms (please look at the differing audiences in at least two of the following ways: demographically, geographically, psychographically, or behaviorally).
  • What are 2-3 effective marketing techniques that companies are using on social media?
  • What are some products that have been successful using social media marketing methods?

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