Module 1 1. There has been a rise in cases of measles in RI. The RI Health Department is wondering if the rate of
Module 1 1. There has been a rise in cases of measles in RI. The RI Health Department is wondering if the rate of MMR vaccinations has declined since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The vaccination rate for MMR before the pandemic was 95% completion rate for school-aged children. The Health Department randomly sampled 500 vaccination records for school aged children from 2020 to 2022 and calculated the completion rate of the MMR vaccination schedule. Identify the population, sample, parameter, statistic, variable, and data for this problem. a. (1 pt) population b. (1 pt) sample c. (1 pt) parameter d. (1 pt) statistic e. (1 pt) variable f. (1 pt) data 2. (1 pt) What kind of data is "answers in a survey" that polled the preferences of sugar substitutes, such as Equal, Splenda, and Sweet&Low? a. qualitative b. quantitative-continuous c. quantitative-discrete 3. (1 pt) The study finds that the mean amount of time from a sample of cars parked in the city's public covered garage is 2.5 hours. What kind of data is "the amount of time" a car is parked? a. b. qualitative quantitative-continuous C. quantitative-discrete
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