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Read the Workplace Policies and Procedures Example - Pinkies Pizza and Pasta A: You witness a fellow staff member cough into his hand. The staff

Read the Workplace Policies and Procedures Example - Pinkies Pizza and Pasta

 A: You witness a fellow staff member cough into his hand. The staff member then picks up pre-made sandwiches (without gloves) and places the food onto a customer's plate.

Detail below:

  1. The procedure/steps you would take and
  2. why its important to follow these steps.


Ensure that you answer is specific to this case study and aligns with the organisational requirements (Pinkies Pizza and Pasta policies and procedures)


B: You observe a co-worker washing their hands in the middle of their food preparation shift and notice they are wearing a watch and a ring.

Detail below:

  1. The procedure/steps you would take and
  2. why its important to follow these steps.


Ensure that you answer is specific to this case study and aligns with the organisational requirements (Pinkies Pizza and Pasta policies and procedures)

You have been employed as a Pizza maker in the food preparation area of a pizza and pasta restaurant Your IMG_6560.jpeg IMG_6561.jpeg IMG_6562.jpeg IMG_6563.jpeg 

You have been employed as a Pizza maker in the food preparation area of a pizza and pasta restaurant Your duties include: Prepping all the ingredients for the pizza toppings Preparing pizza dough Ensuring countertops are kept clean and tidy and maintaining oven and cooking utensils Coordinating with kitchen and dining room staff Policy - Dress & Hygiene ALL employees are required to present themselves for work in a clean, professional, well- groomed and hygienic fashion. Pinkies Pizza and Pasta Restaurant requires all employees to maintain the following standards of hygiene and good grooming while at work. Hygiene . . Item Grooming Hair Face Bathe or shower daily before their shift begins and use an effective deodorant Brush teeth daily and be conscious of your breath Wash hands regularly and ALWAYS after visiting the bathroom Nails Any visible cuts or abrasions MUST be completely covered with an industry and organization approved Band-Aid (blue) Code Clean, well-groomed style kept off the face Long hair should be tied back from the face or worn up with a hair net Cleanly shaven, and moustaches and beards must be neatly trimmed Non-excessive makeup (No false eyelashes) Nails must be clean and neatly manicured. Where nail polished is worn it must be subtle colour and NOT chipped.

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Maintaining food safety is of utmost importance in the food service industry to prevent the spread of diseases and ensure customer satisfaction This case study focuses on witnessing a staff member cou... blur-text-image
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