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Safe or not, he made it up the tower; since he is, after all, a warrior. The ransom note read: If you wish to see

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Safe or not, he made it up the tower; since he is, after all, a warrior. The ransom note read: "If you wish to see Princess Eva alive, bring all the diamonds from the royal treasury to the Kingdom of Far Far Away". Zachary wastes no time. He heads for the Kingdom of Far Far Amy which inter-Ives crossing the Great River. He decides to take some measurements and use similar triangles to determine the width of the river. 3] Zachary can swim for a maximum of ?5 metres before becoming too tired and drowning. Is he able to swim across the river? [hint: the ratio oftm corresponding sides is the same for all pairs. Perhaps redrawing the triangles so they look similar will help.] [3 Marks] Once upon a time a brave and mathematically-indined warrior named Zachary set out on a quest to rescue the kidnapped Princess Eva. First. Zachary needed to get to the roomofthe stolen Princess to read the ransom note left behind. The Princess lived in a slanted 111w with no stairs [or security purposes. ironically]. Zadlary plans to use his 25 m ladder to climb in a window 24- m up the tomer's wall. iZachary leans the ladder so that it just reaches the window. How. ladders can be dangerous: too steep and they could topple backwards, too shallow and they could slide out from the wal To he cat the e of elevation between the ladder and the 11 should be between 3'3" and '18". 1] Will Zachary be sa on the ladder? Calculate the necessary angle[s] to justify your answer. [3 Marks] 2] Calculate how far from the base of the tower Zachary placed the ladder. [3 Marks]

Safe or not, he made it up the tower, since he is, after all, a warrior. The ransom note read: "If you wish to see Princess Eva alive, bring all the diamonds from the royal treasury to the Kingdom of Far Far Away". Zachary wastes no time. He heads for the Kingdom of Far Far Away, which involves crossing the Great River. He decides to take some measurements and use similar triangles to determine the width of the river. 3) Zachary can swim for a maximum of 75 metres before becoming too tired and drowning. Is he able to swim across the river? (hint: the ratio of two corresponding sides is the same for all pairs. Perhaps redrawing the triangles so they look similar will help.) [3 Marks] 24m 20m 50m

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