The following table describes a randomized trial comparing an experimental medication to a placebo for treatment of reflux. Experimental Treatment Placebo (n = 100) Patient
The following table describes a randomized trial comparing an experimental medication to a placebo for treatment of reflux.
Experimental Treatment Placebo (n = 100) Patient Characteristics (n = 100) Mean (SD) age (years) 52 (5.6) 54 (5.2) 0.0090 63% 58% 0.4363 Gender: % Fernale Mean (SD) educational level (years) 13 (3.2) 10 (2.1) 0.0453 Mean (SD) annual income ($000s) $42 ($4.5) $39 ($5.6) 0.0918 Clinical characteristics 8 (3.2) 6 (2.9) 0.0001 Mean (SD) number of episodes per week 15% 0.0021 Severity of symptoms: % Minimal % Moderate 21% 45% 21% % Severe 24% 64% a. Are there any statistically significant differences between the patients assigned to the experimental treatment and placebo? Justify your answer briefly. b. Consider the comparison of treatments with respect to patient age. Run the appropriate test using the data provided.
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