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What is Coke's average ownership percentage in its equity method investments? Goodwill is 7000 Calculate the firm's current ratio (current assets/current liabilities). Calculate the current

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What is Coke's average ownership percentage in its equity method investments? Goodwill is 7000

Calculate the firm's current ratio (current assets/current liabilities).

Calculate the current ratio under full consolidation.

Show the full consolidation journal entry. Combine current and non-current accounts into one number.

Repeat part 4, assuming that Coke buys an additional 5,000 BV of the sub's equity, and pays

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THE COCA-COLA COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In millions except par value) NOTE 7: EQUITY METHOD INVESTMENTS Our consolidated net income includes our Company's proportionate share of the net income or loss of our equity method investees. When we record our proportionate share of net income, it increases equity income (loss) - net in our consolidated statement of income and our carrying value in that investment. Conversely, when we record our proportionate share of a net loss, it decreases equity income (loss) - net in our consolidated statements of income and our carrying value in that investment, The Company's proportionate share of the net income or loss of our equity method investees includes significant operating and nonoperating items recorded by our equity method investees. These items can have a significant impact on the amount of equity income (loss) - net in our consolidated statement of income and our carrying value in those investments. Refer to Note 19 for additional information related to significant operating and nonoperating items recorded by our equity method investees. The carrying values of our equity method investments are also impacted by our proportionate share of items impacting the equity investee's AOCI. We eliminate from our financial results all significant intercompany transactions to the cxtent of our ownership interest, including the intercompany portion of transactions with equity method investees. The Company's equity method investments include, but are not limited to, our ownership interests in Coca-Cola European Partners ple ("CCEP"), Monster, AC Bebidas, Coca-Cola FEMSA, Coca-Cola HBC AG ("Coca-Cola Hellenic") and Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. ("CCBJH!"). As of December 31 , 2019, we owned approximately 19 percent, 19 percent, 20 percent, 28 percent, 23 percent and 19 percent, respectively, of these companies' outstanding shares. As of December 31,2019 , our investments in our equity method investees in the aggregate exceeded our proportionate share of the net assets of these equity method investees by $8,679 million. This difference is not amortized. A summary of financial information for our equity method investees in the aggregate is as follows (in millions): Net sales to equity method investees, the majority of which are located outside the United States, were $4,832 million, $14,799 million and $14,144 million in 2019,2018 and 2017, respectively. Total payments, primarily marketing, made to cquity method investees were $97 million, $1,131 million and $930 million in 2019,2018 and 2017 , respectively. The decrease in payments made to equity method investees in 2019 was primarily due to changes in bottler funding arrangements. In addition, purchases of beverage products from equity method investees were $426 million, $536 million and $1,299 million in 2019,2018 and 2017 , respectively. The decrease in purchases of beverage products in 2019 and 2018 was primarily due to reduced purchases of Monster products as a result of the North America refranchising activities. Refer to Note 2. The following table presents the difference between calculated fair values, based on quoted closing prices of publicly traded shares, and our Company's carrying value in investments in publicly traded companies accounted for under the equity method (in millions): Net Receivables and Dividends from Equity Method Investees Total net receivables due from equity method investees were $1,707 million and $1,564 million as of December 31,2019 and 2018 , respectively. The total amount of dividends received from equity method investees was $628 million, $551 million and $443 million for the years cnded December 31,2019,2018 and 2017 , respectively. The amount of consolidated reinvested earnings that represents undistributed earnings of investments accounted for under the equity method as of December 31,2019 was $4,983 million. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (In millions except per share data) THE COCA-COLA COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In millions except par value) NOTE 7: EQUITY METHOD INVESTMENTS Our consolidated net income includes our Company's proportionate share of the net income or loss of our equity method investees. When we record our proportionate share of net income, it increases equity income (loss) - net in our consolidated statement of income and our carrying value in that investment. Conversely, when we record our proportionate share of a net loss, it decreases equity income (loss) - net in our consolidated statements of income and our carrying value in that investment, The Company's proportionate share of the net income or loss of our equity method investees includes significant operating and nonoperating items recorded by our equity method investees. These items can have a significant impact on the amount of equity income (loss) - net in our consolidated statement of income and our carrying value in those investments. Refer to Note 19 for additional information related to significant operating and nonoperating items recorded by our equity method investees. The carrying values of our equity method investments are also impacted by our proportionate share of items impacting the equity investee's AOCI. We eliminate from our financial results all significant intercompany transactions to the cxtent of our ownership interest, including the intercompany portion of transactions with equity method investees. The Company's equity method investments include, but are not limited to, our ownership interests in Coca-Cola European Partners ple ("CCEP"), Monster, AC Bebidas, Coca-Cola FEMSA, Coca-Cola HBC AG ("Coca-Cola Hellenic") and Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. ("CCBJH!"). As of December 31 , 2019, we owned approximately 19 percent, 19 percent, 20 percent, 28 percent, 23 percent and 19 percent, respectively, of these companies' outstanding shares. As of December 31,2019 , our investments in our equity method investees in the aggregate exceeded our proportionate share of the net assets of these equity method investees by $8,679 million. This difference is not amortized. A summary of financial information for our equity method investees in the aggregate is as follows (in millions): Net sales to equity method investees, the majority of which are located outside the United States, were $4,832 million, $14,799 million and $14,144 million in 2019,2018 and 2017, respectively. Total payments, primarily marketing, made to cquity method investees were $97 million, $1,131 million and $930 million in 2019,2018 and 2017 , respectively. The decrease in payments made to equity method investees in 2019 was primarily due to changes in bottler funding arrangements. In addition, purchases of beverage products from equity method investees were $426 million, $536 million and $1,299 million in 2019,2018 and 2017 , respectively. The decrease in purchases of beverage products in 2019 and 2018 was primarily due to reduced purchases of Monster products as a result of the North America refranchising activities. Refer to Note 2. The following table presents the difference between calculated fair values, based on quoted closing prices of publicly traded shares, and our Company's carrying value in investments in publicly traded companies accounted for under the equity method (in millions): Net Receivables and Dividends from Equity Method Investees Total net receivables due from equity method investees were $1,707 million and $1,564 million as of December 31,2019 and 2018 , respectively. The total amount of dividends received from equity method investees was $628 million, $551 million and $443 million for the years cnded December 31,2019,2018 and 2017 , respectively. The amount of consolidated reinvested earnings that represents undistributed earnings of investments accounted for under the equity method as of December 31,2019 was $4,983 million. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (In millions except per share data)

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