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mgmt principles of management
Questions and Answers of
MGMT Principles Of Management
What are the ‘don’ts’ of good writing?
What are the ‘dos’ of good writing?
What are the main points to be considered when drafting an essay or report?
How should an essay or report be structured?
What are the key ‘don’ts’ of taking exams?
What are the key ‘dos’ of taking exams?
What are the key ‘don’ts’ of revising?
What are the key ‘dos’ of revising?
How can you get the most out of reading?
What should you do to get the most out of a lecture?
What are the best approaches to taking notes?
How can you make the best use of lectures?
What are study skills?
What is the significance of the concept of learning styles?
What does costing involve?
What is an operating cash budget?
What does cash management involve?
What is budgetary control?
What is financial budgeting?
What is the price/earnings ratio?
What are earnings per share?
What is return on capital employed?
What is return on equity?
What is profitability?
What are the main components of a profit and loss account?
What is a profit and loss account?
What is a trading statement?
What are the different ways of classifying profits?
What is capital structure analysis?
What is liquidity analysis?
What is involved in balance sheet analysis?
What is a balance sheet?
What are the essential financial skills HR professionals need?
What is involved in being ‘businesslike’?
How can hypotheses be tested?
What is a test of significance?
What are the problems of establishing causation?
What is causality?
What is regression?
What is correlation?
What is dispersion and how is it measured?
What are the three measures of central tendency?
What is frequency in statistics?
What use of statistics is made by HR specialists?
How are statistics used?
What are the main considerations to be taken into account in developing an HRIS?
What is self-service and why is it important?
What is an intranet?
What is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system?
What are the five most popular applications of an HRIS?
What are the main reasons for having a comprehensive human resource information system?
What is the meaning of information?
What are the key consultancy skills?
How do you justify an argument?
How do you develop an argument?
What does argument consist of?
How do you critically evaluate research?
What approaches can be used to test propositions?
What is critical evaluation?
What does critical thinking involve?
What is a fallacy? (Give examples of three typical fallacies.)
What is logical reasoning?
What does analysis involve?
What is evidence-based management?
What are the key questions you should answer when deciding on the degree to which a decision is ethical?
What are the advantages of involving people in decision making?
How can you best generate new ideas?
What is creative thinking?
What are the key steps to effective decision making?
What are the limitations of a logical approach to decision making?
What is the nature of decision making?
What are the key steps that should be taken in problem solving?
What is the purpose of analysis in problem solving?
What is the nature of problem solving?
How do you deal with poor performance?
How do you handle poor timekeeping?
How should you handle absenteeism?
What are the three most important things to control in conducting a project?
What is involved in setting up a project?
What is involved in project planning?
What is project management?
How can you overcome nervousness in making a presentation?
What are the key points to remember when delivering a presentation?
How should you prepare a presentation?
What are the main requirements for an effective presentation?
What can line managers do to help people learn and develop?
What are the most important approaches to conducting a constructive performance management review meeting?
What is the purpose of a performance management review meeting?
What are the main ‘don’ts’ in selection interviews?
What are the key ‘dos’ in selection interviews?
What is a closed question?
What is an open question?
What approach is required in asking questions?
In what ways can interviews be planned?
How should an interview be structured?
What are the sections in a selection interview?
What is the form of a selection interview?
What are the aims of a selection interview?
How should discussions be coordinated?
How should facilitation be carried out?
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