Using the 4-quarter moving average: What is the forecast for 3Q 2022, 4Q 2022, 1Q 2023, and 2Q 2023 2. Compute the forecast for
Using the 4-quarter moving average: What is the forecast for 3Q 2022, 4Q 2022, 1Q 2023, and 2Q 2023 2. Compute the forecast for 3Q 2022, 4Q 2022, 1Q 2023, and 2Q 2023 using exponential smoothing (start with 3Q 2022) with a smoothing factor of .7. 3. Which forecast method provides a more accurate forecast? 4. Compute the forecast for 30 2022, 4Q 2022, 1Q 2023, and 2Q 2023 using a weighted moving average technique. The most recent period is weighted at 45, second most recent at 4, and 3rd most recent at 1 and 4th most recent at .05. 5. Compare the results from 4 to the results from 1 and 2. Now which forecast provides the more accurate forecast? 6. If the exponential smoothing is calculated using a smoothing factor of 6 will the forecast error be smaller or larger?
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Lets go through the steps for each forecasting method 1 4Quarter Moving Average Forecast for 3Q 2022 ...Get Instant Access with AI-Powered Solutions
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