Arthur Wesson, an unmarried individual who is age 58, reports taxable income of $510,000 in 2022. His AMTI is $625,000, and his regular tax liability
Arthur Wesson, an unmarried individual who is age 58, reports taxable income of $510,000 in 2022. His AMTI is $625,000, and his regular tax liability in 2022 is $152,253.
a. What is Arthur’s AMT?
b. What is the total amount of Arthur’s tax liability?
c. Draft an e-mail to Arthur explaining why he must pay tax greater than his regulartax liability. Arthur’s e-mail address is
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a b AMTI Less Exemption 75900 25625000 539900 AMT base Rate 26 206100 28 364275 TMT Less Regular tax ...83% of South Western Federal Taxation Students Improved their GPA!
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