Discuss an opinion piece supporting that electric cars are not the future. The opinion piece should be presented in the form of a one-sided
Discuss an opinion piece supporting that electric cars are not the future. The opinion piece should be presented in the form of a one-sided argument. This piece should be very well written-free of spelling, grammar, and other errors-to enhance the persuasiveness of your advocacy project as a whole. You should develop your opinion piece using deductive reasoning and present it in the form of a syllogism. Syllogisms: Syllogisms are deductive logical structures that start with a general rule and use that rule as the lynchpin of the argument. A syllogism is based on a single premise and is structured as follows: If A, then B. A, therefore B. Your audience will be much more likely to accept your syllogism if your premise (A) is sound. However, developing a powerful premise based on a general rule that is neither obvious nor trivial can sometimes be challenging. Supporting Evidence: While this is an opinion piece, you should support your argument with high-quality statistical or narrative evidence as described in your reading. For full credit on this assignment, you must cite your sources. Avoid fallacies: As you write, remember to avoid fallacies! Fallacies are arguments that seem to be sound but are not because they lack the linkages that should exist between claims and their supporting premises or evidence. Language: Pay particular attention to the style and intensity of your language choices. Avoid hedges, qualifiers, hesitation forms, tag questions, and disclaimers; use specific language to create a vivid picture in your audience's mind.
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