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business ethics
Questions and Answers of
Business Ethics
How would a manager following Kant’s categorical imperatives view the Franks and Barnes plan? How would the answer change for one who adopted ethical egoism or utilitarianism?
Should a company like Franks and Barnes conform to the standards of the Family and Medical Leave Act, even if the company falls far short of the minimum fifty employees? Which secular and Bible-based
Admittedly, Franks and Barnes had “never been much for long-term business plans.” In what way has that attitude led to the current crisis? Are there ethical implications of failing to plan?
Suppose you were advising Jannette Lynn, Billy Asbury, and Rhonda Sutton in this matter. What might you suggest to each of them?
Propose an alternate plan that may work for Franks and Barnes. Defend it using your statement of ethics. Then respond to your plan on the basis of Kantian ethics, utilitarianism, and ethical egoism.
Is reducing their firm size to fourteen a good business decision for Franks and Barnes? Why or why not? Is it legal? On what do you base your answer?Is it ethical according to your personal statement
Describe an ethical process for filling the need in the United States for lowskilled labor. Defend your position with an eye to your personal statement of ethics. How would a Kantian ethicist view
What answer do you believe Ken should give Jerry Kirkwood about hiring one or more Honduran immigrants? What are the ethical issues to consider in this decision? Which parts of your statement of
What advice would you give Ken Eastland about the use of herbicides on his farm? What Bible-based ethical principles support your advice? Which secular ethical principles? Which elements from your
Preservationists believe that the environment should be left as nearly as possible in an unaltered prehuman state. Conservationists believe that humans should manage the environment for the good of
Imagine that at Decker and Associates you are the broker charged with developing a policy manual to prevent conflicts such as that faced by Jay and Tonya. Using your personal statement of ethics as a
Is either the win-win or the win-lose strategy inherently more ethical than the other? Explain giving specific Bible-based ethical principles and/or principles from your personal ethical statement.
Let’s say that Jay and Tonya cannot find an agreeable solution. The matter goes before the principal broker in the firm, Mr. Decker. He asks for your advice in dealing with the dilemma. What
Is it possible for Jay and Tonya to find a win-win outcome in this situation?Defend your answer.
What course of action would you advise Jay to take in his negotiations with Tonya? Which parts of your personal ethics statement support this advice?How would you advise Tonya? Would your advice be
Let’s say that Jay and Tonya cannot find an agreeable solution. The matter goes before the principal broker in the firm, Mr. Decker. He asks for your advice in dealing with the dilemma. What
Is it possible for Jay and Tonya to find a win-win outcome in this situation?Defend your answer.
What course of action would you advise Jay to take in his negotiations with Tonya? Which parts of your personal ethics statement support this advice?How would you advise Tonya? Would your advice be
Which system of ethics would most likely consider community standards when determining ethical propriety? Defend your response with specific ethical principles from secular philosophy, Bible-based
Suppose Ryan visits with others in the retail sales business and discovers that his plan is rather common. Would that change your answer to question 1? Why or why not? In which ethical positions
How would you evaluate Karen’s statement, “I feel like a kid in the cookie jar”? Are feelings an adequate measure of ethical standard?
According to your personal statement of ethics, is Ryan’s plan for generating sales ethical? Giving specific points from your statement, explain why or why not. If your statement is not sufficient
Is Workman’s Benefit’s “buyout” approach ethical? Why or why not? Provide biblical as well as philosophical evidence to support your answer.
Has Jim Johnson behaved ethically in his offer to Moses Engels? Why or why not? Would his offer be more ethical if he had made it in the presence of Moses’s daughter? Would the offer be more
Compare and contrast Kantian ethical motivation with what the biblical principle of love would say about ethical motivation.
How would the limits of ethical motivational strategies differ between those whose ethics are derived from utilitarianism and those whose ethics come from the Kantian perspective?
Is your personal statement of ethics adequate for Fred to resolve this dilemma? Support your answer by explaining which principles in your statement relate and how. If your statement of ethics is not
Which stakeholders need to be considered as Fred makes the decision about rotation? What are the implications to each stakeholder?
How would you characterize Fred’s attitude toward Stacy and her performance?Is his attitude ethical? How would a Kantian agree or disagree? How about someone who applies utilitarianism?
Which specific secular and Scripture-based ethical principles should Fred consider as he contemplates the proposal of the Northeast team? When might an ethical manager refuse to adopt a team proposal?
Is your personal statement of ethics adequate to deal with this situation? If yes, what parts and how? If no, what might you add to your personal statement of ethics to address this situation, and
How might a follower of utilitarianism advise Herb to handle this situation?Compare and contrast that advice to what might be expected from two relevant scriptural principles from Chapter 4.
What do you see as Herb’s best course of action at this point?
What are the ethical limits of receiving or keeping secrets? Should Herb have stopped Mr. Samoya before he ever received the information about the sale of the business?
Is Herb’s relationship with Joyce appropriate? What are the ethical limits of employee fraternization?
How do you view the positive discipline approach used by some firms? Is it more or less inherently ethical than traditional approaches to discipline?How would one who uses Kant’s categorical
Compare and contrast employee discipline from the points of view of ethical egoism and utilitarianism.
Assume the role of a mediator. How should Paul and Sue handle their current differences? Would your mediator role be different if you were a Kantian?Explain your answer.
Paul’s concerns about a funding levy are not at all uncommon in governmentfunded agencies. What role should ethical concerns play in gaining public support? What are the limits?
Do you find Sue’s report to the sheriff on Ivan’s sexual behavior ethical?Explain using secular and Bible-based ethical tools.
What are the specific principles in your statement of ethics that would support the ethicality or the unethicality of the way Paul handled employee discipline?Explain your conclusion.
Should he mention it to Buzz? Why or why not? Support your answer with Kantian ethics and biblical ethics
Would the elements of the truthful communications corollary and the accuracy of information corollary in Chapter 4 assist Jon in his decision to inform or not to inform production control or Karen,
How would you advise Jon to respond to Joe’s question—what do we do now? What longer-term plan would you advise Jon to implement following his discovery of the hidden cams? How would they reflect
Which of the secular ethical positions discussed in Chapter 3 most closely parallels Karen’s attitudes? Explain why.
Which elements in your personal statement of ethics would you recommend for Karen to use in the upcoming meeting with Gary, and how should she use them? If your ethical statement is not comprehensive
What are the problems with servant leadership? Will it work in every situation? Is it possible to be an ethical Christian leader without being a servant leader? Support your answers.
Karen believes that adopting a servant style of leadership would be viewed as weakness by her staff. She fears that they will run roughshod over her.How do you respond?
What ethical concerns do you have about Karen’s leadership style? How might they be addressed? What course of action could Karen take to salvage her relationship with the maintenance crew in
Develop an ethical performance-appraisal system for use at the Tipton Manufacturing plant at Ruill. Which secular and scripturally based ethical principles support your plan?
How would a plant manager in Wayne’s situation respond if he or she operated from these ethical systems?a. utilitarianismb. Kant’s categorical imperativec. ethical egoismd. your personal
George gave more than one reason for the wage scale. Are any of the reasons ethical? Citing specific secular and scriptural ethical principles, explain why or why not.
Is the present wage scale at Tipton Manufacturing equitable? Explain your answer with specific examples. Is it ethical? Which secular and scriptural ethical principles support your assertion?
Explain how your personal statement of ethics allows for effective staffing.Support your answer.
Design an orientation/training process for Mickey to use with his new employee. What aspects of staffing should be included in a fair and ethical program?
Examine each of the four current applicants for the job opening at White’s Service Garage. Which applicant would you select? Why? What ethical considerations have influenced your decision?
How would you advise Mickey to recruit for the job opening? Which specific secular and scriptural ethical principles would apply?
Mickey laments to you, “Why can’t I get good help?” How would you respond?
Which elements of your personal statement of ethics would assist Stacy Schafer in completing her assigned project at Pirrman’s Lawn Care? How would they assist?
How would a Kantian ethicist view the issues surrounding the development of an organizational chart? Would this view differ from a utilitarian’s or one who follows ethical egoism? Explain your
Suggest an organizational chart for Stacy’s proposal. Is your chart more closely aligned with the flat or tall charts described in the chapter? Explain how.
What ethical problems may arise if the strong centralized leadership style of Dick Pirrman is applied to the Hildebrand organization?
Dick Pirrman wants a mock organizational chart for the bank, yet he seems open to the idea of organizing Pirrman’s Lawn Care in a new way. How should he proceed? Why?
Is it ever appropriate to behave unethically in order to keep a job? How would the answer of a Kantian ethicist differ from an ethical egoist?
How would your response to Norma and Jeri differ if they were an unmarried heterosexual couple (Norma and Jerry)? Why?
Which secular ethical principles would support excluding unmarried couples?Which would not?
Which ethical principles discussed in Chapter 4 (“Christianity and Ethics”)would support excluding unmarried couples? Which would not?
Do you believe the Oak Dale decision to offer lodging discounts to Christians in ministry is an ethical one? Which ethical principles would support your answer and why?
Is Allen Ford most likely operating from utilitarianism, ethical egoism, or Kant’s categorical imperative? Give reasons for your answer.
In what ways (how) does your personal statement of ethics support the need for adequate planning? Does answering this question reveal weaknesses in your statement of ethics? If so, what would you add
Aside from the lack of planning, what ethical problems do you see at Hur Ministries? What is the best way to address them?
Suppose that the three-year vision Hur Ministries adopts includes expanding to the extent of matching mentors with twelve thousand at-risk clients each year. What operational goals would you suggest
One advisor suggested that Hur Ministries adopt the mission “supporting our city’s youth.” Another liked the phrase “mentoring the next generation.”How would the differences in these
Suppose Allen Ford hired you to serve as a planning consultant. What core values and mission would you suggest for Hur Ministries?
Hur Ministries operates without a strategic plan. Why? What ethical problems have developed as a result?
How would you make this decision? Defend your answer. How would a follower of utilitarianism inform the person to be dismissed? How would the rest of the work group find out about the decision? Whom
What procedure do you think Julie should follow to make her decision?
Is it possible that Julie is too close to the employees to make a good decision in this manner? Should upper management of Sunset Manor have instructed someone else to make the decision? What should
Is the second-shift supervisor’s decision to refuse to dismiss an employee an ethical decision? Why or why not? Under what circumstances would refusing the order of a supervisor be ethical?
How does one’s view of the value of people affect the adoption of the secular principles of utilitarianism, ethical egoism, and Kant’s second formulation in the development of a code of ethics?
What is the role of secular philosophies and theories of ethics in the formation of a personal code of ethics?
Reread Alison Stewart’s personal statement of ethics. What are the key elements with which you agree? With what points do you disagree?
What are the strongest points in Chris Ault’s statement of business ethics?What are the weakest?
Compare and contrast the ethics of love principle discussed in this chapter with the two formulations of Kant’s categorical imperative (see chap. 3).
Cite specific biblical ethical principles from this chapter which you believe would be problematic. Explain why each of the principles might not work in the business world.
Compare and contrast each of the four types of biblical justice found in this chapter with secular utilitarianism as discussed in the previous chapter.
Is any one of the ethical philosophies or theories described in this chapter sufficient by itself to guide a manager in making ethical decisions? Explain your answer and give examples.
Which ethical philosophy or theory is most prevalent in your workplace?Provide examples.
With which of the elements in the ethical systems comparison chart do you feel most comfortable? Explain your answer, giving specific reasons that reflect your beliefs and the key elements of the
Describe an ethical dilemma that occurred at the organizational level and the managerial decision to resolve it. Who were the relevant stakeholders?Which stakeholders benefited from the actions taken
Describe a situation in which you or an acquaintance, acting in a managerial role, used the Three-E Equation to resolve an operational or manufacturing problem at work. What were the results of this
Of the mental habits that can cloud the critical-thinking process, which two have you witnessed most often in your workplace or social setting? Give an example of each and explain the impact on the
From your vantage point as a member of the business community, rank the five threads of the decision-making cord in their order of importance, giving your reasons for placing each cord at its
As a manager involved in day-to-day decision making, which of the two definitions of business ethics presented in this chapter is more useful to you?Explain why.
Now that you have heard the other groups present their results, what differences emerged between your group’s analysis and those of the other groups? Have you modified your analysis in light of the
What problems did you have with understanding and practicing the four frameworks for solving problems? How did you go about solving these problems? Does your group have any outstanding questions or
Were there any problem you group had working together to carry out this case analysis? What were the problems and how did you go about solving them?
You have worked with integrating important ethical values into solutions to ethical problems.
You have practiced decision making by evaluating and ranking solutions to ethics cases.
You have a better of your obligations and rights in the job candicacy process.
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