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business statistics communicating
Questions and Answers of
Business Statistics Communicating
24. An acceptance sampling plan with n = 15 and c = 1 was designed with a producer's risk of .075.a. Was the value of p, equal to .01, .02, .03, .04, or .05? What does this value mean?b. What is the
23. An n = 10, c = 2 acceptance sampling plan is being considered; assume that p = .05 and p = .20.a. Compute both the producer's and the consumer's risks for this acceptance sampling plan.b. Would
22. Managers of 1200 different retail outlets make twice-a-month restocking orders from a central warehouse. Past experience shows 4% of the orders contain one or more errors such as wrong item
21. Consider the following situations and comment on whether the sample results might cause concern about the quality of the process.a. Ap chart has LCL = 0 and UCL = .068. When the process is in
20. The following data were collected for the Master Blend Coffee production process. The data show the filling weights based on samples of 3-pound cans of coffee. Use these data to construct the and
19. The following quality control data for a manufacturing process at Kensport Chemical Company show the temperature in degrees centigrade at five points in time during a manufacturing cycle. The
18. Twenty-five samples of size 5 resulted in 5.42 and 2.0. Compute control limits for the and R charts, and estimate the standard deviation of the process.
17. Product filling weights are normally distributed with a mean of 350 grams and a standard deviation of 15 grams.a. Develop the control limits for samples of size 10, 20, and 30.b. What happens to
16. Samples of size 5 provided the following 20 sample means for a production process that is believed to be in control. 95.72 95.24 95.18 95.44 95.46 95.32 95.40 95.44 95.08 95.50 95.80 95.22 95.56
15. Adomestic manufacturer of watches purchases quartz crystals from a Swiss firm. The crystals are shipped in lots of 1000. The acceptance sampling procedure uses 20 randomly selected crystals.a.
14. To inspect incoming shipments of raw materials, a manufacturer is considering samples of sizes 10, 15, and 20. Use binomial probabilities to select a sampling plan that provides a producer’s
13. Refer to the KALI example presented in this section. The quality control manager requested a producer’s risk of .10 or less when p0 was .03 and a consumer’s risk of .20 or less when p1 was
12. Repeat exercise 11 for the acceptance sampling plan with n 20 and c 1. What happens to the producer’s risk as the acceptance number c is increased? Explain.
11. Consider an acceptance sampling plan with n 20 and c 0. Compute the producer’s risk for each of the following cases.a. The lot has a defect rate of 2%.b. The lot has a defect rate of 6%.
10. For an acceptance sampling plan with n 25 and c 0, find the probability of accepting a lot when the defect rate is 2%. What is the probability of accepting the lot if the defect rate is 6%?
9. An automotive industry supplier produces pistons for several models of automobiles. Twenty samples, each consisting of 200 pistons, were selected when the process was known to be operating in
8. Over several weeks of normal, or in-control, operation, 20 samples of 150 packages each of synthetic-gut tennis strings were tested for breaking strength. A total of 141 packages of the 3000
7. The Goodman Tire and Rubber Company periodically tests its tires for tread wear under simulated road conditions. To study and control the manufacturing process, 20 samples, each containing three
6. A quality control process monitors the weight per carton of laundry detergent. Control lim- its are set at UCL = 20.12 ounces and LCL 19.90 ounces. Samples of size 5 are used for the sampling and
5. Temperature is used to measure the output of a production process. When the process is in control, the mean of the process is u=128.5 and the standard deviation is = .4.a. Construct an x chart if
4. An in-control process sampled 20 times with a sample of size 8 resulted in = 28.5 and R = 1.6. Compute the upper and lower control limits for the x and R charts for this process.
3. Twenty-five samples of 100 items each were inspected when a process was considered to be operating satisfactorily. In the 25 samples, 135 items were found to be defective.a. What is an estimate of
2. Twenty-five samples, each of size 5, were selected from a process that was in control. The sum of all the data collected was 677.5 pounds.a. What is an estimate of the process mean (in terms of
1. A process that is in control has a mean of µ 12.5 and a standard deviation of σ .8.a. Construct an chart if samples of size 4 are to be used.b. Repeat part (a) for samples of size 8 and
4. What conclusions and recommendations can you derive from your analysis?
3. Develop an estimated regression equation that could be used to predict the alumni giving rate using the data provided.
2. Develop an estimated regression equation that can be used to predict the alumni giving rate given the percentage of students who graduate. Discuss your findings.
1. Use methods of descriptive statistics to summarize the data.
5. Discuss the need for other independent variables that could be added to the model. What additional variables might be helpful?
4. What is the predicted annual credit card charge for a three-person household with an annual income of $40,000?
3. Develop an estimated regression equation with annual income and household size as the independent variables. Discuss your findings.
2. Develop estimated regression equations, first using annual income as the independent variable and then using household size as the independent variable. Which variable is the better predictor of
1. Use methods of descriptive statistics to summarize the data. Comment on the findings.
47. Today's marketplace offers a wide choice to buyers of sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and pickup trucks. An important factor to many buyers is the resale value of the vehicle. The following table
46. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Fuel Economy Guide provides fuel efficiency data for cars and trucks. A portion of the data for 35 standard pickup trucks produced by Chevrolet and General
45. Following are data on price, curb weight, horsepower, time to go from 0 to 60 miles per hour, and the speed at ¹⁄₄ mile for 16 sports and GT cars.Curb Speed at Price Weight Horse- 0 to 60
44. SmartMoney magazine evaluated 65 metropolitan areas to determine where home values are headed. An ideal city would get a score of 100 if all factors measured were as favorable as possible. Areas
43. Recall that in exercise 40 the personnel director for Electronics Associates developed the following estimated regression equation relating an employee's score on a job satisfaction test to
42. Recall that in exercise 39, the admissions officer for Clearwater College developed the fol- lowing estimated regression equation relating final college GPA to the student's SAT mathe- matics
41. A partial computer output from a regression analysis using Excel's Regression tool follows.a. Compute the missing entries in this output.b. Using a = .05, test for overall significance.c. Use the
40. The personnel director for Electronics Associates developed the following estimated re- gression equation relating an employee's score on a job satisfaction test to his or her length of service
39. The admissions officer for Clearwater College developed the following estimated regres- sion equation relating the final college GPA to the student's SAT mathematics score and high-school GPA.
38. A 10-year study conducted by the American Heart Association provided data on how age, blood pressure, and smoking relate to the risk of strokes. Assume that the following data are from a portion
37. The National Football League rates prospects by position on a scale that ranges from 5 to 9. The ratings are interpreted as follows: 8-9 should start the first year; 7.0-7.9 should start; 6.0-6.9
36. This problem is an extension of the situation described in exercise 35.a. Develop the estimated regression equation to predict the repair time given the number of months since the last
35. Refer to the Johnson Filtration example introduced in this section. Suppose that in addi- tion to information on the number of months since the machine was serviced and whether a mechanical or an
34. Management proposed the following regression model to predict sales at a fast-food outlet. y=o + Bx + Bx2 + B3x3 + where x = number of competitors within one mile x population within one mile
33. Consider a regression study involving a dependent variable y, a quantitative independent variable x, and a qualitative independent variable with three possible levels (level 1, level 2, and level
32. Consider a regression study involving a dependent variable y, a quantitative independent variable x, and a qualitative variable with two levels (level 1 and level 2).a. Write a multiple
31. The Buyer's Guide section of the Web site for Car and Driver magazine provides reviews and road tests for cars, trucks, SUVs, and vans. The average ratings of overall quality, vehi- cle styling,
30. In exercise 9, an estimated regression equation was developed relating the percentage of stu- dents who attend a four-year college to the average class size and the combined SAT score.a. Develop
29. In exercise 5, the owner of Showtime Movie Theaters, Inc., used multiple regression analy- sis to predict gross revenue (y) as a function of television advertising (x,) and newspaper advertising
28. Refer to the data in exercise 2. The estimated regression equation for those data is -18.4 +2.01x, +4.74x2a. Develop a 95% confidence interval for the mean value of y when x = 45 and xb. Develop
27. In exercise 1, the following estimated regression equation based on 10 observations was presented. 29.1270+.5906x + .4980x2a. Develop a point estimate of the mean value of y when x = 180 and x =
26. In exercise 10 an estimated regression equation was developed relating the proportion of games won given the proportion of field goals made by the team, the proportion of three-point shots made
25. Barron's conducts an annual review of online brokers, including both brokers that can be ac- cessed via a Web browser, as well as direct-access brokers that connect customers directly with the
24. Refer to the data in exercise 6. Use the number of team home runs and the earned run av- erage for the team's pitching staff to predict the proportion of games won.a. Use the F test to determine
23. Refer to exercise 5.a. Use a = .01 to test the hypotheses H: B = B = 0 Ha: B, and/or , is not equal to zero for the model y =o + Bx + Bx+e, where x=television advertising ($1000s) xnewspaper
22. In exercise 4 the following estimated regression equation relating sales to inventory in- vestment and advertising expenditures was given. = 25+ 10x + 8x2 The data used to develop the model came
21. The following estimated regression equation was developed for a model involving two in- dependent variables. =40.7 + 8.63x + 2.71x After x, was dropped from the model, the least squares method
20. Refer to the data presented in exercise 2. The estimated regression equation for these data is 18.4 +2.01x, +4.74x, Here SST = 15,182.9, SSR = 14,052.2, s,, = 2471, and so, = .9484.a. Test for a
19. In exercise 1, the following estimated regression equation based on 10 observations was presented. =29.1270+.5906x, + .4980x Here SST =6724.125, SSR = 6216.375, s, 0813, and . = .0567.a. Compute
18. Refer to exercise 10, where data were reported on a variety of statistics for the 29 teams in the National Basketball Association for a portion of the 2004 season (, January 3,
17. In exercise 9, an estimated regression equation was developed relating the proportion of stu- dents who attend a four-year college to the average class size and the combined SAT score.a. Compute
16. In exercise 6, data were given on the proportion of games won, the number of team home runs, and the earned run average for the team's pitching staff for the 16 teams in the National League for
15. In exercise 5, the owner of Showtime Movie Theaters, Inc., used multiple regression analy- sis to predict gross revenue (y) as a function of television advertising (x,) and newspaper advertising
14. In exercise 4, the following estimated regression equation relating sales to inventory in- vestment and advertising expenditures was given. =25+ 10x, +8x2 The data used to develop the model came
13. In exercise 3, the following estimated regression equation based on 30 observations was presented. = 17.6 + 3.8x-2.3x + 7.6x3 + 2.7x4 The values of SST and SSR are 1805 and 1760, respectively.a.
12. In exercise 2, 10 observations were provided for a dependent variable y and two indepen- dent variables x, and x; for these data SST = 15,182.9, and SSR = 14,052.2.a. Compute R.b. Compute Rc.
11. In exercise 1, the following estimated regression equation based on 10 observations was presented. =29.1270 + 5906x, + .4980x2 The values of SST and SSR are 6724.125 and 6216.375, respectively.a.
10. The National Basketball Association (NBA) records a variety of statistics for each team. Four of these statistics are the proportion of games won (PCT), the proportion of field goals made by the
9. Two experts provided subjective lists of school districts that they think are among the best in the country. For each school district the average class size, the combined SAT score, and the
8. The following table gives the annual return, the safety rating (0 = riskiest, 10 = safest), and the annual expense ratio for 20 foreign funds (Mutual Funds, March 2000). Fund Safety Rating Annual
7. Designers of backpacks use exotic material such as supernylon Delrin, high-density poly- ethylene, aircraft aluminum, and thermomolded foam to make packs that fit comfortably and distribute weight
6. In baseball, a team's success is often thought to be a function of the team's hitting and pitch- ing performance. One measure of hitting performance is the number of home runs the team hits, and
5. The owner of Showtime Movie Theaters, Inc., would like to estimate weekly gross revenue as a function of advertising expenditures. Historical data for a sample of eight weeks follow.Weekly Gross
4. A shoe store developed the following estimated regression equation relating sales to in- ventory investment and advertising expenditures. 25+10x, +8x2 wherea. x, inventory investment ($1000s) x =
3. In a regression analysis involving 30 observations, the following estimated regression equation was obtained. = 17.6 + 3.8x2.3x2 + 7.6x3 + 2.7x4a. Interpretb, b, by, and by in this estimated
2. Consider the following data for a dependent variable y and two independent variables, x1 and x2.x1 x2 y 30 12 94 47 10 108 25 17 112 51 16 178 40 5 94 51 19 175 74 7 170 36 12 117 59 13 142 76 16
1. The estimated regression equation for a model involving two independent variables and 10 observations follows.a. Interpret b1 and b2 in this estimated regression equation.b. Estimate y when x1
5. Does it appear that there is broad support for change across all political lines? Explain.
4. With regard to question 3, test for the independence of the response (Yes and No) and party affiliation. Use a = .05.
3. With regard to question 2, test for the independence of the response (Yes and No) and party affiliation. Use a = .05.
2. With regard to question 1, test for the independence of the response (Yes and No) and party affiliation. Use a = .05.
1. Use descriptive statistics to summarize the data from this study. What are your pre- liminary conclusions about the independence of the response (Yes or No) and party affiliation for each of the
42. A salesperson makes four calls per day. A sample of 100 days gives the following fre- quencies of sales volumes. Observed Frequency Number of Sales (days) 0 1 30 32 2 3 25 10 4 Total 3 100
41. Barna Research Group collected data showing church attendance by age group (USA To- day, November 20, 2003). Use the sample data to determine whether attending church is independent of age. Use a
40. Data on the marital status of men and women ages 20 to 29 were obtained as part of a na- tional survey. The results from a sample of 350 men and 400 women follow. Gender Men Women Never Married
39. A lending institution supplied the following data on loan approvals by four loan officers. Use a .05 and test to determine whether the loan approval decision is independent of the loan officer
38. The Wall Street Journal Subscriber Study showed data on the employment status of sub- scribers. Sample results corresponding to subscribers of the eastern and western editions are shown
37. A sample of parts provided the following contingency table data on part quality by pro- duction shift. Shift Number Good Number Defective First 368 32 Second 285 15 Third 176 24 Use a = .05 and
36. The results of Computerworld's Annual Job Satisfaction Survey showed that 28% of in- formation systems (IS) managers are very satisfied with their job, 46% are somewhat sat- isfied, 12% are
35. A regional transit authority is concerned about the number of riders on one of its bus routes. In setting up the route, the assumption is that the number of riders is the same on every day from
34. Since 2000, the Toyota Camry, Honda Accord, and Ford Taurus have been the three best- selling passenger cars in the United States. Based on the 2003 sales data, the market shares among the top
33. Seven percent of mutual fund investors rate corporate stocks "very safe," 58% rate them "somewhat safe," 24% rate them "not very safe," 4% rate them "not at all safe," and 7% are "not sure." A
32. In June 2001, 38% of fund managers surveyed believed that the core inflation rate would be higher in one year. One month later a similar survey revealed that 22% of fund managers ex- pected the
31. In July 2001, the Harris Ad Track Research Service conducted a survey to evaluate the ef- fectiveness of a major advertising campaign for Kodak cameras (USA Today, August 27, 2001). In a sample
30. Medical tests were conducted to learn about drug-resistant tuberculosis. Of 142 cases tested in New Jersey, nine were found to be drug-resistant. Of 268 cases tested in Texas, five were found to
29. A large automobile insurance company selected samples of single and married male policy- holders and recorded the number who made an insurance claim over the preceding three- year period.Single
28. Jupiter Media used a survey to determine how people use their free time. Watching televi- sion was the most popular activity selected by both men and women (The Wall Street Jour- nal, January 26,
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