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introduction information systems
Questions and Answers of
Introduction Information Systems
=+ Investigate two services and provide results.
=+1. To what extent do online job posting services such as let you preserve the formatting in your resume?
=+6. Choose and successfully employ MS-Word techniques to solve a complex task
=+5. Following design and content principles, create your own resume, cover letter, and responses to interview questions
=+4. Distinguish between traditional and behavioral based interview questions
=+3. Identify critical elements in cover letters, resumes, and responses to interview questions
=+2. Use design principles to reproduce a resume
=+1. Manipulate type and alignment to reproduce a cover letter
=+1. In what way do the Presentation Zen concepts help focus attention and preserve only the essential elements? Explain.
=+3. Accurately characterize and use Presentation Zen principles
=+2. Manipulate images and text to create a compelling business case presentation
=+1. Design a memorable PowerPoint presentation
=+1. Why does PowerPoint have a slide master in addition to the individual layout masters? Explain.
=+3. Choose an appropriate layout for each page of the report
=+2. Modify the master page to change the look and feel of the report
=+1. Choose an appropriate template for a schematic report
=+1. Write an executive summary of your decision process in choosing your university.
=+3. Integrate deliverables produced earlier in the course to help make the business case
=+2. Make a business case to have investors or a bank provide development funds for your iPhone app
=+1. Create a schematic report used in business communications
=+1. Does the abbreviated style of PowerPoint require even better writing? Explain.
=+3. Describe the conditions under which PowerPoint fails to communicate well
=+2. Determine when to use PowerPoint as a report writer rather than a presentation tool
=+1. Present evidence for your conclusions
=+2. Explain why databases beyond one table require relationships among the tables.
=+1. The transform step in the ETL process can be quite involved. Research and find an example of data that needs to be cleaned.
=+3. Explain how the Class App store data can be used for business intelligence
=+2. Explain how data is captured in our Class App store
=+1. Determine which tables and fields in a database are needed to complete a query
=+3. In what ways does fantasy football rely on business intelligence?
=+2. Why do lower level managers require higher level detail in their information?
=+Describe how business intelligence can aid in this process.
=+1. Managers are often most interested in exceptions—data that does not fit pre-established expectations.
=+3. For a given situation, determine what type of business intelligence report is required to solve the problem
=+2. Distinguish between static reports, dynamic reports, and data mining
=+1. Query sales data to spot meaningful trends
=+1. Find a graph in print and evaluate it according to the analytical design principles.
=+6. Apply graphic design principles to create spreadsheets and graphs
=+5. Describe when each type of graph (line, bar, scatterplot, and pie) should be used
=+4. Integrate words, numbers, and images in order to create a graph that can serve as the effective basis for making a decision
=+3. Graphically demonstrate market growth and opportunities
=+2. Use spreadsheets and graphs to help analyze an industry
=+1. Show market growth and opportunities using tables and graphs
=+ 1. Why would an investor need both an industry and company analysis? Explain.
=+are the strengths and weaknesses of the company?
=+ An analysis of the competitive position of the company within that industry. What
=+An analysis of the industry in which the company operates. What are the opportunities and threats inherent in the industry?
=+2. Analyze an industry using S.W.O.T. and Porter’s five forces model
=+1. Distinguish between an industry and company analysis
=+2. Do some research and find the terms of a student loan and a car loan. Which has more favorable terms?Explain.
=+deadbeats. Why would they use such a derogatory term for responsible behavior?
=+1. Credit card companies sometimes refer to customers who pay off their balance in full each month as
=+7. Choose and successfully employ Excel techniques to solve a complex task
=+6. Conditionally format data meeting predetermined criteria
=+5. Engage in “What If” data manipulation scenarios to realize business objectives
=+4. Use fixed costs and variable costs in a break even analysis
=+3. Explain the benefits of placing multiple graphs on the same page.
=+2. Analyze the profitability of a business enterprise
=+1. Evaluate the cost of borrowed money
=+1. Without using the built in data table function, how could you still construct a table that would perform a sensitivity analysis.
=+2. Is it better to outsource offshore or onshore? Explain.
=+1. Give both a selfish and an unselfish reason for why Apple requires all iPhone apps to be sold through its store.
=+6. In which year(s) did you make rather than lose money?
=+5. What are your final earnings at the end of each year after paying Apple and your developer?
=+4. How much do you have to pay your developer each year even if you don’t sell any units?
=+3. How much money do you earn on every unit sold (contribution margin)?
=+2. How much money does Apple earn on every unit sold?
=+1. How much money is brought in through each unit sale before deducting Apple’s commission?
=+3. How much money do you earn on every unit sold? The technical term for your share is called the contribution margin. It refers to how much money you earn from the sale after deducting the
=+2. How much money does Apple earn on every unit sold?
=+1. How much money is brought in through each unit sale before deducting Apple’s commission?
=+3. Estimate expenses for iPhone app development
=+2. List pros and cons of outsourcing, both onshore and offshore
=+1. Diagram the role of a business analyst in the development process
=+2. Why do websites make such heavy use of drop down menus for filling in forms?
=+1. A spreadsheet is sometimes referred to as a one table database. Describe a business problem requiring more than one table?
=+3. Create a form that captures data and saves it to a Google spreadsheet
=+2. Explain the role of a form in capturing data
=+1. Explain why websites need to capture and display data
=+2. Which repeated elements from the store theme are required to make your page look like part of the store? Explain.
=+1. In what ways is Google Sites similar to a word processor? In what ways is it different?
=+7. Add and modify navigation buttons
=+6. Match colors, logos, fonts, and other design elements to your iPhone App
=+5. Integrate other cloud services
=+4. Integrate text and graphics
=+3. Develop a website with good usability
=+2. Author and customize a website in the cloud
=+1. Create a working website prototype
=+2. Is it better to outsource domestically or internationally? Explain the factors upon which your decision rests.
=+1. As Internet speed and security increases would you expect to see more or fewer businesses turning to cloud solutions? Explain.
=+3. Bring corporate standards into the decision making process when choosing development options
=+2. Compare and contrast the benefits of authoring in the cloud vs. on a workstation
=+1. Determine when to build vs. buy a website solution
=+2. Explain how each of the C.R.A.P. principles relates to the usability of a website.
=+a short comment to justify each of your grades.
=+1 to 10 for each dimension. Then total up the dimensions to create a composite score for the site. Provide
=+1. Examine a website of your choice and grade it against each of the Nielsen usability principles on a scale of
=+1. Describe the content and screen elements that you would expect to see in an app that monitored multiple vital signs such as temperature, heart rate, blood glucose, and so forth?
=+4. Mockup an iPhone app using the template
=+3. Create process flows that will help you plan your app.
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