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organizational behaviour concepts
Questions and Answers of
Organizational Behaviour Concepts
In groups of 3–4, identify change agents from both within and outside the organization. Conduct interviews with them to fi nd out the problems encountered by them while initiating the change
Think of an organization you know and identify the most signifi cant change it has made in the last 5 years. What factors infl uenced the change? Was the change resisted?If so, by whom and why? Apply
Is it diffi cult to bring about changes in the culture of the organization? Why or why not?
Identify and discuss the skills required by managers to bring about effective changes in an organization.
How does the concept of appreciative inquiry help us to implement the process of change effectively? What are its drawbacks?
Why is action research described as a cyclical process of systematic scientifi c inquiry? Discuss the steps involved in this process to bring about effective change in organizational systems.
How does an OD programme differ from other approaches to managing and improving organizational functioning?
Kotter has suggested an eight-step model to implement change in an organization. Outline these steps and highlight their importance with reference to any change effort you are aware of in an Indian
Initial resistance to change creates anxiety among individuals which results in the lowering of their self-esteem. What can management do to rebuild this self-esteem in organizations?
Identify and discuss different methods of minimizing resistance in organizations.
Although it is said that change is the only permanent thing existing today, majority of us have a tendency to resist it. Why? What can organizations do to overcome this resistance?
What are the different ways in which people react to change in a business organization? Why is there such a varied set of reactions?
The concept of perpetual transition management assumes that change is a constant process and is widespread. How does this get operationalized in the context of the larger business organization?
Effective change management requires a number of initiatives from the management. Discuss what management can do to bring about these changes effectively in organizations.
How should Texco deal with the situation?
What advise will you give to Sunanda before the Tuesday morning meeting?
Was Samir Sethi wrong? How should he have approached the situation?
List managerial attitudes and skills required for implementing change.
Understand the reason for the resistance to change and discuss the techniques to overcome resistance.
Discuss the framework of “perpetual transition management” in terms of different triggers of change.
Discuss different models of change used to bring about effective changes in organizations.
Identify the characteristics of effective change programmes.
In groups of 3–4, interview two people who have spearheaded planned changes in organizations. Preferably select people from different organizations and industries to provide a contrast. Draw broad
Choose up to three articles from the business section of a newspaper, or from a business magazine about organizations going through change. Identify the external and the internal pressures for these
What are the differences between planned and unplanned external forces of change? Discuss with examples.
How do planned internal forces of change differ from unplanned internal forces? Discuss in relation to some real-life situations.
“Change does not occur in vacuum. There are a number of factors operating both within and outside the organization which cause the change to take place.” Discuss the relevance of this statement
Identify and discuss the different types of changes that business organizations face today.
How do you think employees will view future attempts to implement change at Sea Side?
How did the change processes differ?
How would you characterize the two sets of changes made at Sea Side? Which set of change is really modernization?
Identify and discuss the internal factors leading to organizational changes.
Outline and discuss the external factors causing change in business organizations.
Identify the importance of change in business organizations.
In groups of 3–4, conduct a survey of any organization with respect to all dimensions of its organizational culture. Also identify the factors which determine the culture of the organization.
On the basis of your familiarity with any business organization, identify the values shared by the employees. Also analyse the role of the founder in developing and transmitting these values to the
In today’s context, why is it important for managers to be familiar with cross-cultural dimensions? What steps can be taken by the organizations to help employees adapt to the international
What is whistle blowing? What are the possible risks faced by a whistle blower? How can organizations help to promote ethical behaviours?
Discuss the ways by which managers can effectively manage the culture of an organization.
How do OCTAPACE values make the culture of an organization strong or weak? Discuss with examples.
What are the factors that have led to the success of typical Japanese fi rms and type Z US fi rms over typical US fi rms? Discuss with examples. How do these differ from Peter and Waterman’s
Why is it diffi cult to diagnose the culture of an organization?What are the techniques used to diagnose the culture?
Identify and discuss the roles played by culture in sustaining the viability of an organization.
According to Schein, culture of an organization is defi ned in terms of its artefacts, values, and basic assumptions.On the basis of your experience with any organization, discuss how basic
Defi ne organizational culture. Operationalize the elements of organizational culture in the context of any business organization you are familiar with.
If you were the CEO of this organization, how would you bring about a positive culture in the organization?
Identify the initiatives taken by the organization to promote its strong culture.
What are the problems encountered by this organization?
How would you classify this organization on cultural parameters?
Discuss the relationship between ethics and organizational culture.
List and describe the elements to manage organizational culture.
Identify and discuss the models to describe organizational culture.
Discuss the functions of organizational culture and the techniques to diagnose it.
Defi ne organizational culture and identify its elements.
In groups of 3–4, conduct a survey of an organization to fi nd out the political strategies used by managers to infl uence the behaviour of their subordinates. What is the impact of these tactics
Find out different bases of power at different levels in organizations. Also fi nd if there is any variation in the power bases of public- and private-sector managers.
Why is it important for managers to be ethical while exercising power in organizations? When does the behaviour become unethical and what is its impact?
How does the process of impression management infl uence the action of managers in business organizations?Give examples.
What steps can be taken to control political behaviour in organizations? Why is controlling political behaviour in organizations important?
Mention examples of situations in which you have been committed, compliant, and resistant as a result of infl uence on you. Also, describe some situations in which your attempts to infl uence others
Based on your experience, give examples of effective and ineffective uses of power and their outcomes. Explain why each situation occurred.
Of the infl uence tactics discussed, which do you use the most when dealing with your friends, parents, boss, or professors? Would the other tactics be effective?
Describe a situation in which (a) you had the power to infl uence the behaviour of another person and (b) another person had the power to infl uence you. In each case, explain the sources of power
Suppose you have just been hired as a brand manager of a toothpaste brand for a large consumer-product company.Your job mainly involves encouraging the advertising and production groups to promote
Argue for or against the statement: “The use of power in organizations is unethical.”
Suppose your professor asks you to redo a homework assignment. Explain the bases of power the professor may use to infl uence your behaviour in this situation.
How would their personality be responsible for their use of power?
How are they using the power bestowed on them by the organization?
What is difference in the leadership styles of Sonam and Vishal?
Discuss the concept of impression management and the role of ethics in power and politics.
Identify the conditions that lead to political behaviours and the techniques to control political behaviour in organizations.
Understand the concept of organizational politics and describe the political subsystems existing in organizations.
Highlight the outcome of the use of power and discuss the individual and intergroup power tactics.
Diagnose the bases of power in organizations and determine the ways it is used by managers and leaders.
Understand the concept of power and identify the sources of power in organizations.
In groups of 3–4, diagnose the structure of an organization and suggest changes that are required in its structure to make it more effective. Be specifi c and support your decisions. Prepare a
Study an organization which has a network structure and operates primarily by using information technology (virtual organization). Analyse the pattern of communication and the reward structure in
What are the characteristics of high-performance system organizations? What are the kinds of organization where they are going to be effective?
Is it appropriate to believe that a network structure is the most effective design in the highly-competitive globalized economy? Why or why not? Give reasons.
What are the possible advantages and disadvantages of the matrix form of organization?
Describe and outline the distinctive characteristics of the four traditional structural forms of the organization. Give at least two reasons for each as to why they should be used to structure the
How does Mintzberg classify the different forms of organizations?What are the key variables affecting these forms?
What are the major differences between the mechanistic and organic forms of organization? Identify situations in which each of them could be effective.
What do you believe are two signifi cant technologyinduced challenges facing the managers responsible for shaping the tasks that people perform? Explain.
Discuss the manner in which environmental certainty and complexity interact to determine the type of technology used in organizations.
What are the other problems in the situation described that have not been discussed?
If you are part of the consulting team, what kind of structure would you recommend to ABC Instruments?
Analyse the changes in the environmental characteristics and information-processing requirements of the company.
Discuss the contemporary form of organizational structure.
Discuss the traditional form of organizational structure with its advantages and disadvantages.
Identify the elements of organizational structure.
Outline and discuss the key factors affecting the structure and design of an organization.
Understand the concept of organizational structure and design and discuss its functions.
In groups of 3–4, make a visit to an organization and identify the ways in which they take decisions whether individually or collectively. Analyse the effectiveness of each of the techniques and
Divide yourself into groups of 3–4. Each group is required to review the seven methods for making team decisions and construct methods that can be generalized to make small-scale and large-scale
How can a manager generate ethical sensitivity and moral awareness among people? What are the principles and rules which have been provided to ethically justify an individual’s decisions?
Describe the phenomena, which impact the group decision-making process. What steps can be taken to manage them well?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of individual and group decision making? Which one would you prefer under normal circumstances and why?
What are the different models of group decision making?Describe the conditions in which these approaches would be effective? Give examples.
Identify the different means of generating alternatives. What are the principles governing each of these techniques?
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