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marketing research 13th
Questions and Answers of
Marketing Research 13th
Using the creative briefing form and the advertisement you selected in Chapter 10 write a creative brief outlining improvements you think should be made to the advertisement.
What are the benefits of a good brief?
What are the stages in the briefing process?
How do we choose good suppliers?
How can the use of consultants help the direct marketer?
What are the problems and advantages in using a large direct marketing agency?
What are the unique attributes of a database bureau?
List the functions of a fulfilment house.
List the functions of a mailing house.
Why is de-duplication important?
Where can we find list brokers?
How many lists are available to rent in the UK?
List the main suppliers with which a direct marketer may have to deal.
You may wish to set up a spreadsheet for this exercise.Develop a 5-year lifetime value calculation using the following figures:• 1000 customers in Year 1• retention 50% per year• sales £600
What is a customer lifetime?
What are the three requirements for successful lifetime value calculations?
What is the role of lifetime value analysis in direct marketing?
What is net present value?
What are the requirements for a successful budget?
What are the stages of the budgeting process?
List six benefits of the budgeting process.
Define the contribution approach to costs.
Why is it important to understand costs and the way they behave?
What happens to costs with quantity?
Define overheads.
What are the three types of costs in business?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the allowable cost approach?
How is allowable cost used in setting campaign budgets?
What is allowable cost per order?
List three standard measures in direct marketing.
What is the benefit of measurability in direct marketing?
How does this change at 80% confidence level?
What is the sample size required when we anticipate 2% response and the acceptable limit of error is 0.5% at a 95% confidence level?
What is the formula for calculating sample size?
Why is targeting so important?
List the five elements of the hierarchy of testing in order of importance.
Define each of these concepts.
What are the three statistical concepts involved in planning tests?
What are the four requirements of a statistically valid test?
What is a control?
How do we develop a test programme?
Why are direct mail tests reliable?
Why are loose inserts a powerful testing medium?
List three methods of testing press and magazine advertisements.
What is the hierarchy of testing?
Define position testing.
At what level is media type testing evaluated?
What is the most important factor to test?
What can we test?
Why is testing in direct marketing so important?
Select a direct response press advertisement. Using the fifteen rules for successful direct marketing write a critique of the advertisement.How would you improve the advertisement?
What is the role of follow-up in boosting response?
What are the characteristics of a good response device?
How do additional enclosures help build response?
What is the role of the sub-heading in a letter?
List the five myths of mail letters.
How can we make envelopes more impactful?
Why should reversed-out body copy not be used?
What is the best typeface to use for body copy?
What is a one-stage and two-stage communication process?
How do we select the right medium to target customers?
What are the key factors in creating a direct response advertisement?
Outline and describe the three types of advertising.
Outline the communications planning process. What is the desired sequence of events in any direct communication?
What is the impact of creative on response management?
What is the nine-stage process for the creative process?
What are the benefits of long copy and when should long copy be used?
What is the key success factor in creative execution?
For a company of your choice, select an advertisement that offers an incentive to respond.• How does the offer reinforce the positioning of the product?• Would the offer cause you to respond?•
What is the role of testing in the use of offers?
What types of incentives are available to direct marketers?
What are the differences between a prize draw and a competition?
How can we pre-select the quality of enquiries?
Define positioning. How is positioning used in direct marketing?
What is the value of testimonials?
Why is direct debit and continuous card authority so useful to direct marketing?
What is a BOGOF?
What is the key factor in deciding an offer?
What is an offer?
What is a newsgroup and how can newsgroups be used to develop an online presence?
List and describe three ways of attempting to ensure secure transactions over the Web.
What is the underlying factor for success for any business?
List three critical success factors in Web site implementation.
Why is it important to develop an offline strategy for promotion?
List three ways of promoting your Web site online.
What is an Intranet? List the ways that an Intranet can help a business.
How should we measure the impact of Internet business?
What is a banner advertisement and how does it compare to a button or superstitial?
Explain why there is reluctance to get involved in the Internet.
What are the three main applications of the Internet in business?
What is Metcalfe’s law?
Explain why encryption is important in Internet commerce.
What is viral marketing? What are its strengths and weaknesses?
What are the differences between a search engine and a directory?
List two sources of information on the use of the Internet.
Select an advertisement with links to a Web site. Using the address, follow the link to the sites.• Answer the following questions.• How does the online brand compare to the offline execution?•
When should we use a direct marketing agency?
How do we calculate break-even on a direct marketing campaign?
Why are the lowest cost direct marketing media not always the most effective?
List three ways of reducing costs in magazine advertising.
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