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advertising & imc principles
Questions and Answers of
Advertising & IMC Principles
What evidence in this case leads you to believe that the advertising team that created this campaign understood Multicultural Millennials? Can you add any additional insights?AppendixLO1
Give an example that demonstrates how the TRACE campaign is socially responsible.AppendixLO1
Does the “Hard to Explain, Easy to Experience” campaign communicate its brand message of innovation without using ideas, words, or images that are offensive or insensitive to the target
Mini-Case Analysis: Imagine that you are now working for Starbucks. What does the company do that provides evidence that it is socially and environmentally responsible?What other ways can you think
Portfolio Project: Check the websites of three big-name companies, such as the following:• McDonald’s (• Avon (• Ben & Jerry’s (• Starbucks
Zack Wilson is the advertising manager for the campus newspaper. He is looking over a layout for a promotion for a spring break vacation package. The headline says,“Absolutely the Finest Deal
The Dimento Game Company has a new basketball video game. To promote it, “Slammer” Aston, a professional basketball star, is signed to do the commercial.Aston is shown in the commercial with the
In addition to the FTC, what other governmental bodies are involved in regulating advertising practices?AppendixLO1
Explain how trademarks and copyrights are legally protected and why the First Amendment is important to advertisers.AppendixLO1
What do you consider the most pressing ethical issues facing brand communicators? Explain.AppendixLO1
Explain the debate over whether advertising shapes or mirrors society. If you were to take a side in this debate, which side would you choose?AppendixLO1
A pharmaceutical company has repackaged a previously developed drug that addresses the symptoms of a scientifically questionable disorder affecting approximately 5 percent of women. Although few
Define ethics. How do you determine what is ethical? If you are called on to make a decision about the promotion of an event for one of your clients, where does the ultimate consideration lie? What
Discuss how advertising is regulated.AppendixLO1
Describe the ethical responsibilities that brand communicators bear.AppendixLO1
Name and discuss the key debates related to the social impact of brand communication.AppendixLO1
If you worked for TRACE, how would you evaluate the success of the “Hard to Explain, Easy to Experience”campaign in the market year to year?AppendixLO1
What methods would you use to conduct concurrent and posttesting of the campaign?AppendixLO1
If you worked for TRACE, how would you pretest this campaign prior to using it across the country?AppendixLO1
Mini-Case Analysis: Reread the chapter-opening story about Adobe’s Marketing Cloud software. Explain what is meant when we say the point of this campaign is to change the relationship these
Portfolio Project: Put together a portfolio of 10 ads for a set of product categories targeted to a college audience.Set up a focus group with participants recruited from among your friends and ask
Explore the websites of two IMC evaluation companies, such as Ameritest (, Ipsos ASI (, Millward Brown (, or Sapient (, and
You are hiring a research consulting company to help a client evaluate the effectiveness of its communication efforts. One of the consultants recommends using focus groups to evaluate their
Most clients want a quick and easy answer to the question of whether an IMC program works. Advertising professionals, however, tend to believe that a sales-only approach to evaluation is not
What are some challenges posed by evaluating digital efforts in particular?AppendixLO1
Why is an IMC campaign difficult to evaluate?AppendixLO1
What is media optimization, and how do we evaluate how close we are to achieving it?AppendixLO1
What is single-source research, and how do scanner data relate to it?AppendixLO1
Why is campaign measurement becoming more important than it used to be?AppendixLO1
Why is the setting of campaign objectives important?AppendixLO1
Historically, marketing experts have found the evaluation of traditional media to be easier than the evaluation of digital media. How is that changing?AppendixLO1
What is a tracking study, and how is it used?AppendixLO1
Detail ways to determine if a campaign met its objectives.AppendixLO1
List some of the key challenges faced in evaluating IMC effectiveness.AppendixLO1
Explain how the performance of media vehicles is evaluated.AppendixLO1
Describe the key ways in which campaign evaluation is conducted.AppendixLO1
Discuss the role campaign objectives play in the measurement of campaign success.AppendixLO1
Explain why it is important to evaluate brand communication effectiveness.AppendixLO1
If you wanted to go global with this campaign, what would you need to learn about each new market before you ran the campaign?AppendixLO1
How could you increase the consistency of the “Hard to Explain, Easy to Experience” campaign so that the overall impact was greater?AppendixLO1
Mini-Case Analysis: How has the “Pink Ribbon”campaign built the reputation of the Susan G. Komen organization? Who does it target?What is its brand essence or core brand concept?Explain how this
Portfolio Project: Compare the brand positioning and customer-focused content of three of the following corporate sites:,,,, and
Luna Pizza is a regional producer of frozen pizza. Its only major competitor is Brutus Bros. The following is a brief excerpt from Luna’s situation analysis for the next fiscal year. Estimate the
You work for a large sporting-goods chain that would like to focus all its local philanthropic activities in one area. You believe the company could benefit from a mission marketing program. What
You have gotten a new assignment to be on a launch team for an upscale pen made in Switzerland under the brand name of Pinnacle. Its primary advantage is that it has an extremely long-lasting
Choose a restaurant in your community and develop a campaign plan. What types of people does the restaurant target? Would you recommend that its advertising focus on price or image? What is (or
What is internal integration?AppendixLO1
Explain how a global IMC program is more complex than an IMC program operated nationally.AppendixLO1
What are two types of controls used in the management of an IMC campaign?AppendixLO1
What is cross-media integration, and why is it important?AppendixLO1
What are SWOTs, and how are they used strategically in analyzing a marketing situation?AppendixLO1
Why is a brand an integrated perception?AppendixLO1
What do we mean when we say that media planning in an IMC campaign plan moves from channels to contact points?AppendixLO1
Explain the difference between planning an IMC campaign and planning a 360-degree total communication program.AppendixLO1
Outline the branding effort from Chapter 1 in terms of the sections of a standard campaign plan. From the case write-up reported in this chapter, is there anything missing?AppendixLO1
Explain cause marketing and mission marketing. How do they differ, and what do they contribute to an IMC program?AppendixLO1
Explain what we mean by 360-degree communication program planning.AppendixLO1
Identify the strategic decisions that underlie effective international marketing communication.AppendixLO1
Outline the key parts of an IMC campaign plan.AppendixLO1
Discuss the eight key IMC concepts and explain why they are important.AppendixLO1
Based on TRACE’s $100 million advertising budget, draw your own pie chart indicating the media you would select with a dollar figure attached to each medium.AppendixLO1
What media would you recommend to reach the TRACE target market of Multicultural Millennials(age 18 to 29)?AppendixLO1
Mini-Case Analysis: Outline the key decisions in the Icelandic men’s cancer campaign. What were the media strategies that contributed to the success of this campaign? Using your analysis as a
Portfolio Project: You have been asked to develop a media plan for a new reality show that you have created.Focus on the internet as a primary medium for this launch. Go to both
In performing an aperture analysis, choose one of the following products: video games (such as Nintendo), men’s cologne (such as Axe), computer software (such as Photoshop), or athletic shoes for
You have just begun a new job as a media planner for a new automobile model from General Motors.The media planning sequence will begin in four months, and your media director asks you what data and
What do media buyers do?AppendixLO1
Explain the differences among CPMs, TCPMs, and CPPs. How are they used to estimate the cost efficiency of a media plan?AppendixLO1
Explain the differences between GRPs and TRPs. How are they used to estimate the impact of a media plan?AppendixLO1
Explain the differences among continuous, flighting, and pulsing schedules.AppendixLO1
How are gross impressions and GRPs calculated?AppendixLO1
What is aperture, and how is it used in media planning?AppendixLO1
Explain the differences between media planning and media buying.AppendixLO1
The marketing management of McDonald’s restaurants has asked you to analyze the aperture opportunity for its breakfast entrees. What kind of analysis would you present to management? What
What are some of the strategic considerations that determine the level of reach? Level of frequency?AppendixLO1
Explain current trends in media planning and buying.AppendixLO1
List the responsibilities of media buyers.AppendixLO1
Detail the four steps in media planning and explain their importance.AppendixLO1
Discuss what is in a media plan and the role of media research in developing media plans.AppendixLO1
Develop an idea that you believe would reach the TRACE target market of Multicultural Millennials(age 18–29) for these media types:a. Owned Mediab. Owned but interactive mediac. Earned interactive
Mini-Case Analysis: Microsoft’s launch of the “Rise of the Tomb Raider” video game was successful due in part to the publicity surrounding its unique Survival Billboard event.• What elements
Portfolio Project: Collect online mentions for three major media outlets. Choose from such media as The New York Times (, The Wall Street Journal (,
A new restaurant is planned that specializes in low-fat and low-carb healthy food. You have been asked to create a multiplatform campaign for the grand opening.Evaluate various media and platforms in
You are the media planner for a cosmetics company introducing a new line of makeup for teenage girls. Your research indicates that social media might be an effective medium for creating awareness
Your small agency works for a local retailer (pick one from your community) that wants to make the most effective use of its tool kit of owned media. The retailer has very little money to use on
This chapter used the National Geographic social media example to illustrate a brand personality online. Find another brand that uses YouTube to create a brand personality.Critique the blog’s
Does your school have a naming rights program?Where do you see it operating on campus? Can you find out how much revenue was, or is, produced by this program? How does the association help or hinder
What are online communities, and how are they used in brand communication?AppendixLO1
What is mobile marketing? Why is it important?AppendixLO1
What are the primary types of owned digital media?How are they used?AppendixLO1
In the owned category, what are the media of personal contact?AppendixLO1
Explain how interactive owned media differ from owned media. Give an example of interactive owned media and explain why the interactive element is important.AppendixLO1
What are branded media, and why are they important?AppendixLO1
Explain the differences between owned and earned media. Give an example of each.AppendixLO1
Discuss multiplatform brand communication and how it is used.AppendixLO1
Why is word of mouth becoming more important in brand communication programs?AppendixLO1
Explain how multiplatform brand communication works and why it is important.AppendixLO1
Discuss what is meant by earned media and how organizations relate to brand discussions that are beyond their control.AppendixLO1
Describe interactive owned media and explain why that interactive element is important.AppendixLO1
Explain what is meant by owned media that organizations control and manage.AppendixLO1
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